Datenbank Fallbeispiele

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Resultate 1 bis 10 von insgesamt 247 für Suchbegriff

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Air and nitrogen as alternatives to natural gas for cleaning pipes in power plants

An accident happened in a power plant while pipe cleaning. Purging natural gas was used for cleaning and it is deemed to be the cause of the accident. The event motivated the recommendation of other alternatives that are already used in the sector: air, nitrogen or special cleaning devices.


Removal of Trichloroethylene in the production of car accessories

Trichloroethylene was used in a plant that manufactures car parts to clean steel parts of the air conditioning and assisted driving systems. Trichloroethylene was replaced by a closed washing system based on soap and water.


Substitution of sulphuric acid used for re-pulping process in a paper company

An old paper company innovated its process for pH adjustment in the recycling process. After numerous laboratory and on-site trails, carbon dioxide was used efficiently instead of sulphuric acid.


Substitution of methyl chloroform with an isopropanol and heptane mixture, as spot-washing alternative in textile dyeing and finishing

Substitution of methyl chloroform (1,1,1 trichloroethane) by isopropanol and heptane for spot-washing has been carried out by a textile company, as part of a more complex process that included waste and emissions reduction. In this process biphenyl, tetrachloroethylene and trichlorobenzene were also substituted, but the alternative (methylnaphthalene) has no harmonised classification according to Annex VI of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP Regulation)..


Five Chemicals Alternatives Assessment Study

An “alternatives assessment” methodology developed by TURI was used to evaluate the technical, economic, and environmental, health and safety feasibility of alternatives to the five chemicals for selected uses: lead, formaldehyde, tetrachloroethylene, hexavalent chromium, Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP).


Substitution eines Desinfektionsmittels in einem Altenheim

Ein Altenheim nutzte ein Desinfektionsmittel, das unter anderem drei endokrine Disruptoren enthielt. Eine der Arbeitskräfte erlitt Reizungen im Hals und Atembeschwerden. Das Antiseptikum wurde durch ein auf Didecyldimethylammoniumchlorid und ethoxylierten Alkoholen basierendes Produkt substituiert. Diese Stoffe haben keine signifikanten Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit des Menschen.


The substitution of diffusible raw materials in the UV hardening varnishes for wood furniture

Danish furniture manufacturers use lacquers that cure by means of ultraviolet radiation as the most frequent surface treatment of wooden furniture. A shift towards monomers and acrylates with a higher molecular weight means that the acute toxicity of the UV lacquers is reduced. The monomer and binder replacements could be performed without considerable technical or financial consequences for the varnish manufacturer as well as for the end user.


Substitution of a disinfectant in a residential home for elderly

A residential institution for elderly used a disinfectant that contained three endocrine disruptors. One of the workers suffered from throat irritation and respiratory problems. The disinfectant was substituted by a product based on didecyldimethylammonium chloride and ethoxylated alcohols, which have no significant effects on human health.


Substitution eines naphthabasierten Lösungsmittels für die Reinigung von Druckwalzen

Ein naphthabasiertes Lösungsmittel wurde zur Reinigung von Druckwalzen eingesetzt. Es enthielt Naphtha (krebserzeugend und keimzellmutagen). Das Produkt wurde regelmäßig manuell, auch auf eine gefährliche Art und Weise, verwendet. Es wurde durch ein anderes Lösungsmittel ersetzt, das keine gravierenden Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit hat.


Substitution of a naphtha-based solvent in the cleaning of printing rolls

A naphtha-based solvent was used to clean printing rolls. It contained naphtha (carcinogens), 2-butoxyetanol (endocrine disruptor and neurotoxicant) and volatile organic compounds. The product was handled manually on a regular basis which implied a dangerous practice. It was substituted by another solvent with no significant impact on human health.


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