Datenbank Fallbeispiele

Suche nach erfolgreich umgesetzten Alternativen

Die SUBSPORTplus Datenbank der Fallbeispiele enthält Beschreibungen erfolgreicher Substitutionsbeispiele sowie Informationen über alternative Stoffe und Technologien direkt aus Unternehmen, der Literatur oder anderen Quellen. Die Fallbeispiele dienen als Inspiration und Anregung für die Substitution. Die Alternativen werden stetig weiterentwickelt. Prüfen Sie daher im Einzelfall, ob eine Alternative für Ihre Anwendungen und Zwecke geeignet ist. Sollten Ihnen weitere relevante Informationen bekannt sein, die nicht im aktuellen Fallbeispiel genannt werden, nehmen Sie Kontakt mit SUBSPORTplus auf.

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Suche und Suchergebnisse

Suche nach

Resultate 1 bis 7 von insgesamt 7 für Suchbegriff


Alternatives to devices containing mercury in health care

Guide with a step-by-step description of elimination of mercury in devices used at health care settings.


Alternatives to mercury in thermometers and sphygmomanometers

A guidance from the World Health Organisation WHO concludes that there are mercury-free alternatives to all applications of thermometers and sphyromanometers. The guidance list the different alternatives and assesses accuracy and cost.


Insulating and waterproof alternatives

The sector of bio-construction uses insulating and watertight materials as an alternative to conventional man-made materials like polystyrene, polyurethane and other chemicals harmful for the environment. This article introduces 19 different types of insulating and watertight materials with a description of their properties, applications and technical characteristics. The alternative materials include: sheets of polypropylene, recycled paper cellulose fibre, hemp blankets, thermo-fixed flax paper, wood fibre panels, sheep wool blankets, coconut fibre, feather panels, cotton blankets, straw balls, straw and lime, cellular glass, pearlite, expanded clay, vermiculite and hops.


Replacement for hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) gases and hydrocarbons with CO2 for cooling systems

A Danish company has developed a cooling method based solely on CO2 with the support of the Danish environmental protection agency. The environmental benefits are large and the market is promising.


Replacement of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) gases with hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) gases and hydrocarbons in refrigerators and deep freezers

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) replaced the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) in insulation materials several years ago, and, subsequently, HFC have been replaced with hydrocarbons. The original phase-out of CFC was made in order to protect the ozone layer, while the most recent shift aims at reducing the greenhouse effect.


Substitution of chemical products used for radiography fixation and developing with a digital system

The radiology service of the hospital Parc Taulí, Spain, used several chemical products for fixing and developing X-rays. These products, widely used in hospitals, contain hydroquinone, which is carcinogenic and a neurotoxic and boric acid which is an endocrine disrupter. In 2004 these products were replaced by a digitised radiography system. This is a display of digital medical imaging for diagnostic use with a range of software called RAIM.


Vegetable oils can be used as sustainable insulating and cooling liquids in transformers

It was estimated that globally each year about 5.7 million tons of fresh transformer oil is needed. Substitution of mineral oil by vegetable oil would be an important contribution to sustainable development.


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