Datenbank Fallbeispiele

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Die SUBSPORTplus Datenbank der Fallbeispiele enthält Beschreibungen erfolgreicher Substitutionsbeispiele sowie Informationen über alternative Stoffe und Technologien direkt aus Unternehmen, der Literatur oder anderen Quellen. Die Fallbeispiele dienen als Inspiration und Anregung für die Substitution. Die Alternativen werden stetig weiterentwickelt. Prüfen Sie daher im Einzelfall, ob eine Alternative für Ihre Anwendungen und Zwecke geeignet ist. Sollten Ihnen weitere relevante Informationen bekannt sein, die nicht im aktuellen Fallbeispiel genannt werden, nehmen Sie Kontakt mit SUBSPORTplus auf.

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Substitution of perchloroethylene in the cleaning of garments

A textile company used “Superfluide P”, a product containing perchloroethylene (also known as tetrachloroethylene) for garment cleaning and in the maintenance service. After the intervention of a trade union health and safety expert the product was replaced by a safer alternative containing isoalkanes C11-C15.


Substitution eines Desinfektionsmittels in einem Altenheim

Ein Altenheim nutzte ein Desinfektionsmittel, das unter anderem drei endokrine Disruptoren enthielt. Eine der Arbeitskräfte erlitt Reizungen im Hals und Atembeschwerden. Das Antiseptikum wurde durch ein auf Didecyldimethylammoniumchlorid und ethoxylierten Alkoholen basierendes Produkt substituiert. Diese Stoffe haben keine signifikanten Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit des Menschen.


Substitution of phosphates in household detergents

This project focuses on the consequences of a possible ban of phosphate in laundry and automatic dishwashing detergents. Based on the results of a screening and a risk assessment of the substances with highest risk a ban of phosphate in laundry detergents will not lead to toxic effects in the aquatic environment but it will improve the situation.


Changing from old technique for development of film to the "computer to plate" (CTP) technique in a small printing house

Printing plates, which were fixed and developed based on a photographic film, were substituted with a technique called computer to plate - CTP. With this technique, the files are directly transferred from computer files to the aluminium printing plate in a closed system. The developer and fixer have been replaced by a finisher.


Substitution of subtilisins in manual cleaning of flexible endoscopes in hospitals

In a hospital in the Capital Region of Denmark cleaning of flexible endoscopes with enzymes was substituted by a product based on triethanolamine hereby reducing the risk of allergy. The substitution can only be performed if the succeeding machine wash is not based on aldehydes.


Alternatives to Chromic Acid Cleaners in Laboratories

Chromic acid is widely used in many laboratories for cleaning glassware. Because of the hazards for health and environment some alternatives have been developed as commercial products, but also as laboratory-made substitutes.


Substitution of a neurotoxic solvent that contained acetates and acetone used in the cleaning of metal parts

A company specialized in the manufacture of parts and accessories for cars used a solvent based on butyl acetate, acetone and acetates used for the degreasing of metal parts. The trade union?s (CC.OO.) health and safety department in Valencia (Spain) detected the neurotoxicants which implied serious damages to workers? health and safety. After a process of negotiation with the employers the solvent was replaced by a safer product based on potassium hydroxide, n-propanol and ethyl acetate.


Substitution eines neurotoxischen Lösungsmittels aus Acetat und Aceton für die Reinigung von Metallteilen

Ein auf die Herstellung von Autoteilen und -zubehör spezialisiertes Unternehmen verwendete ein Lösungsmittel auf Basis von Butylacetat, Aceton und einem anderen Acetat für die Entfettung von Metallteilen. Die Arbeitsschutzabteilung der Gewerkschaft (CC.OO.) in Valencia (Spanien) ermittelte nervenschädigende Stoffe, die schwere gesundheitliche Schäden bei Arbeitnehmern hervorrufen können. Nach einem Verhandlungsprozess mit den Arbeitgebern wurde das Lösungsmittel durch ein weniger gefährliches Produkt auf Basis von Kaliumhydroxid, n-Propanol und Ethylacetat ersetzt.


Substitution of cyclododecane or camphene with tricyclene or menthol as a volatile binding media in conservation and archaeology.

Volatile binders are used in conservation and archaeology as hydrophobic protective coatings for fragile objects during excavation, transport or handling. Cyclododecane and camphor are two examples of binders that can be readily replaced by tricyclene or menthol. There are however limitations to this substitution which are important to bear in mind, tricyclene is for example shorter lasting than cyclododecan.


Substitution of formaldehyde in bathroom cleaning products

A cooperative cleaning company decided to try to substitute all products containing hazardous chemicals by safer alternatives. A deodorising product used in bathroom cleaning that contained sodium hydroxide and formaldehyde (sensitiser and carcinogen) was therefore substituted to a product taking into account health and environmental criteria


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