Datenbank Fallbeispiele

Suche nach erfolgreich umgesetzten Alternativen

Die SUBSPORTplus Datenbank der Fallbeispiele enthält Beschreibungen erfolgreicher Substitutionsbeispiele sowie Informationen über alternative Stoffe und Technologien direkt aus Unternehmen, der Literatur oder anderen Quellen. Die Fallbeispiele dienen als Inspiration und Anregung für die Substitution. Die Alternativen werden stetig weiterentwickelt. Prüfen Sie daher im Einzelfall, ob eine Alternative für Ihre Anwendungen und Zwecke geeignet ist. Sollten Ihnen weitere relevante Informationen bekannt sein, die nicht im aktuellen Fallbeispiel genannt werden, nehmen Sie Kontakt mit SUBSPORTplus auf.

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Resultate 1 bis 10 von insgesamt 21 für Suchbegriff


Alternatives to Chromic Acid Cleaners in Laboratories

Chromic acid is widely used in many laboratories for cleaning glassware. Because of the hazards for health and environment some alternatives have been developed as commercial products, but also as laboratory-made substitutes.


Fire-resistant and flame proof coating for polymeric thermoplastics and thermoset resins.

A surface coating consisting of fire retarding and smoke suppressing constituents dispersed in an essentially non-toxic, water based adhesive binder. The entire invention therefore consists of six different functional groups which respective functions will be explained below, the different groups are: catalyst/initiator, expendable graphite, source of carbon which additionally forms water, a blowing agent, cement and ceramics.


A safer alternative to protect wood from moisture.

This substitution example is based on a patent registration document. The invention relates to a mixture protecting wood from moisture. The mixture contains crude tall oil or another oil containing free fatty acids and/or resin acids. Present in the wood protecting mixture is also at least one other substance from a group including native neutral agents of wood and salts formed by di- or polyvalent cations. The details for how to make such a mixture is described in detail below.


Chemical treatment of rubber, wood, leather or metal which protects, preserves and renews the surface of the material. An alternative to carbon black.

This document describes a process for protecting, preserving and renewing surfaces, especially rubber and other natural and synthetic polymers including wood, leather, painted surfaces and metal. The material to be treated is soaked with an aqueous solution of substituted or unsubstituted dimethylpolysiloxane. This is done in several stages with other solutions such as diethylene glycol and/or glycerine. This treatment reduces the impact of deleterious effects such as ozone, ultraviolet radiation and environmental causes to the appearance of especially rubber parts used for example in automobiles.


Surface treatment of metals and plastic

This document describes the best available techniques for surface treatment of metals and plastics. Substitution possibilities for EDTA, PFOS, zinc cyanide, copper cyanide and hexavalent chromium are mentioned.


Reduzierung von VOC-Emission aus Scheibenwaschanlagen

In einer von der dänischen EPA durchgeführten Studie wurden mehrere Alternativen zu Lösungsmitteln getestet, einschließlich eines Frostschutz-Proteins. Es gelang die Formulierung eines Reinigungsmittels mit einem niedrigeren Prozentsatz Alkohol und damit die Reduktion von Lösungsmittelemissionen.


Reduction of VOC emissions in windscreen washers

In a study performed for the Danish EPA, several alternatives to solvents were tested including anti freezing protein. It was possible to formulate washers with a lower alcohol percentage, thereby reducing the emission of solvents.


Life cycle assessment of three paints

An assessment of environmental and occupational health impacts of a powdered paint, a solvent based paint and a water-based paint showed that xylene, titanium dioxide and TGIC are first priority to substitute. Beta hydroxy alkylamide is suggested as an alternative for TGIC . No successful chemical alternative for xylene was found, but other water based paint systems could be used. No alternative to titanium dioxide was suggested.


Fassadenreinigung mit Hilfe von Trockeneisstrahlung für die Restaurierung von Denkmälern in Prag

Fassadenreinigung kann mit Hilfe von Chemikalien oder durch das Abstrahlen mit verschiedenen Mitteln erreicht werden. Die chemische Reinigung erfolgt oft mit gefährlichen Stoffen, wie Dichlormethan oder Methylpyrrolidon. Sandstrahlung ist auf Grund von kristallinem Siliziumdioxid, ein karzinogener Stoff, gefährlich. Das Abstrahlen mit Trockeneis könnte eine sicherere Alternative sein. Ein Beispiel der Verwendung bei der Restaurierung alter Monumente in Prag wird vorgestellt.


Facade cleaning using dry ice blasting for monument restoration in Prague

Facade cleaning may be performed with chemicals or by using blasting with various media. Chemical cleaning is often done with hazardous substances like dichloromethane or methyl pyrrolidone. Sandblasting is hazardous due to the crystalline silica, a carcinogen. Using dry ice blasting may be a safer alternative. An example of its use in restoring ancient Prague monuments is presented.


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