Awkward Body Postures

(in German)

Awkward work-related body postures still constitute an important, frequently occurring type of physical workload in daily working life.

Awkward body postures are stressful postures that are dictated by a work process and have to be maintained for lengthy periods without sufficient opportunities for compensatory movements. They are primarily associated with increased static muscle tension and, as a consequence, can give rise to problems such as muscle fatigue and pain. Typically, the lower and upper back, the shoulders and upper arms, the neck, and the knee joints, legs, and feet can be affected by awkward body postures at work, either simultaneously or in isolation.

The degree of physical load experienced per working day depends mainly on two factors: firstly, the total amount of time spent in static awkward body postures without interruption over the course of the day and, secondly, the type of awkward body posture adopted (e.g. standing, reaching above head height, kneeling) in combination with the angles at which the upper body and arms are held. In addition, employees may find themselves in unfavourable conditions for the performance of their tasks, for instance in situations where they have to twist and lean their upper body and head, are unable to support their upper body properly, have to work in cramped spaces or in/on unstable structures, or are exposed to wetness, cold, draughts, and vibrations. As with all other types of physical workload, the time distribution of the load across the working day is of significance.

This baua: Guidance, Awkward Body Postures (Körperzwangshaltungen), shows how hazards due to prolonged, stressful body postures are identified and assessed using the multilevel Key Indicator Methods Inventory. It provides guidance for practitioners such as managers, those responsible for designing work, employee representative bodies, occupational safety and health specialists, and occupational physicians. It will consequently help workplace actors identify hazards caused by awkward body postures, design workplaces healthily, and prevent musculoskeletal disorders.

Please download the complete brochure "Awkward Body Postures" (in German only).

Bibliographic information

Title:  Körperzwangshaltungen. Gefährdungsbeurteilung mit der Leitmerkmalmethode

1. edition.  Dortmund:  Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin, 2023.  pages: 56, paper, PDF file, DOI: 10.21934/baua:praxis20221122

Further Information