Effects on decision making and behaviour from "smart" protective clothing

  • Project number: F 2278
  • Institution: Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) / Kassel University
  • Status: Completed Project


Several areas research in the field of the development of new information and communication technologies. The so called wearable IT in the "smart" protective clothes for task forces, e. g. of a fire brigade, have an important rule in this development. Several national and international projects have the target to reduce the complex hazards, which have an effect on the task forces during their operations, with the help of measurements of the vital and environment parameters as well as an improved personal location and communication. With the aid of the new conditions of the protective clothes information are generated, which up to now were not available. Deriving from these aspects complex problem fields with new psychological and physiological stress as well as changes of the firefighters risk and decision behaviour can be expected. In this group of projects the responsible care of the new technology as well as the accurate analysis and interpretation and conceivable consequences of the new information (in order to evaluate the usability of the "smart" protective clothes) will be researched.


Zulässigkeit von Feuerwehr-Schutzanzügen mit Sensoren und Anforderungen an den Umgang mit personenbezogenen Daten

Publishing year: 2012

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Verwendung von Vitalparametern - Intelligente Feuerwehrschutzkleidung

Publishing year: 2016

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Feuerwehrschutzkleidung - Gebrauchstaugliche Assistenz

Publishing year: 2015

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Erfassung und Interpretation von Vitalparametern durch "Intelligente" Schutzkleidung im Kontext der Feuerwehr

Publishing year: 2014

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Further Information


Unit 2.3 "Human Factors, Ergonomics"

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