24 + 25 January 2023, NMBP-13 Future-proof Approaches for Risk Governance – Lessons Learned from Nanomaterials (Paris)

  • Date 2023-01-02

24 + 25 January 2023, Paris:

NMBP-13 Future-proof Approaches for Risk Governance – Lessons Learned from Nanomaterials

You are invited to register your interest in participating in the conference to help shape international approaches to addressing future challenges in risk governance of nano- & advanced materials. This includes safe- and sustainable by design (SSbD) and harmonisation and standardisation.  The conference will comprise two parts:

Part 1: In person (by invitation only) at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris on the 24th and 25th January 2023.

Part 2: An online session open to everybody on 31st January 2023.

The main aim of the conference is to ensure that results from the projects NANORIGO, RiskGONE and Gov4Nano are taken up to:

  • support the implementation of the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS)
  • address future challenges in risk governance of new- and advanced materials

Further information: https://www.gov4nano.eu/calendar/category/public-events/