Commission published Recommendation for a safe- and sustainable-by-design framework for chemicals

  • Date 2022-12-23

In December 2022 the European Commission adopted and published a recommendation and its annex to promote research and innovation for safer and more sustainable chemicals and materials. The proposed European framework is an important step to increase the protection of human health and the environment against hazardous substances and improve the circularity of chemicals and materials.

The ‘safe and sustainable by design’ framework encourages innovation to replace hazardous substances in products and processes, for example in food-contact materials, like plastic wrap or food containers, textiles or information and communications technologies products, such as laptops or tablets. It aims to develop new chemicals and materials, optimise or redesign production processes and the use of substances currently on the market to improve their safety and sustainability.

The Commission invites Member States, industry, academia, research and technology organisations to use the recommendations in their R&I activities to lead the way for safer and more sustainable substances thus increasing their share on the EU market and globally.

The recommendation launches a testing period and a voluntary reporting mechanism. Based on the feedback, the Commission will launch a revision of the framework. The testing period counts on the engagement of industry, academia, research community and support from Member States.

To highlight the current research and innovation areas crucial for accelerating the transition to safe and sustainable chemicals and materials, the Commission has recently published a Strategic Research and Innovation Plan (SRIP). The aim of the SRIP is to guide R&I funders in their decisions on investments across EU, national and private funding programmes. The Horizon Europe work programme 2023-2024, adopted on December 6, will address strategic R&I actions identified in the SRIP.

Source: Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, News article, 8 December 2022

Publication in the Official Journal:

Commission Recommendation (EU) 2022/2510 of 8 December 2022 establishing a European assessment framework for ‘safe and sustainable by design’ chemicals and materials" (C/2022/8854, OJ L 325, 20.12.2022, p. 179–205)

Further information:

European Technology Platform Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem)

2022.12.08 News

Statement on the release of a Recommendation on establishing an assessment framework for Safe and Sustainable-by-Design chemicals and materials

2022.12.12 About event

Innovation and funding to create a sustainable future with safe and sustainable chemicals, products and processes