OECD Report on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and Alternatives in Coatings, Paints and Varnishes

  • Date 2022-04-20

This OECD-report examines the commercial availability and current uses of PFASs and non-PFAS alternatives in coatings, paints and varnishes (CPVs). From the wide range of applications that comprise the CPV sector, three applications have been examined more closely: coatings for cables and wiring, the front and backsheets of solar panels and household and architectural paints. The report suggests a number of policy recommendations and areas that may be considered for further work.


Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and Alternatives in Coatings, Paints and Varnishes (CPVs), Report on the Commercial Availability and Current Uses,

Series on Risk Management No. 70
