ProfilVon Dr. Nadja Dörflinger

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Gruppe 1.3 Strukturelle Veränderungen und Arbeitsorganisation; Projektkoordination INQA

Zur Person


  • Wissenschaftliche Projektleiterin des Projektes "Interaktionsarbeit: Wirkungen und Gestaltung des digitalen Wandels" (InWiGe)
  • Forschung in verschiedenen Themenfeldern im Hinblick auf (strukturelle) Veränderungen in der Arbeitswelt; insbesondere in den Bereichen Interaktions- und Dienstleistungsarbeit, Arbeitsmarktsegmentation, soziale Ungleichheit und Arbeitsbeziehungen

Fachliche Qualifikationen

  • PhD in der Soziologie (KU Leuven, Belgien)
  • MSc in International Business & Management (Universität Groningen, Niederlande)


  • Mitglied der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)
  • Mitglied der DGS Sektion Arbeits- und Industriesoziologie (AIS)
  • Mitglied der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sozialwissenschaftliche Arbeitsmarktforschung (SAMF) e.V.
  • Mitglied der Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE)


Publikationsliste Publikationen vor 2013 sowie Publikationen ohne BAuA-Affiliation

Dörflinger, N. (2022). Social interactions at work: why interactive work should be an analytical category in its own right. Employee Relations, 44 (7), 81-95.

Dörflinger, N., Bosschaert, D., Otto, A., Opgenhaffen, T., Vermeerbergen, L. (2021). Between morals and markets? An interdisciplinary conceptual framework for studying working conditions at Catholic social service providers in Belgium and Germany. Journal of Business Ethics, 172 (1), 15-29.

Dörflinger, N., Pulignano, V., Vallas, S.P. (2020). Production Regimes and Class Compromise among European Warehouse Workers. Work And Occupations, 1-35.

Dörflinger, N., Pulignano, V., Lukac, M. (2019). The social configuration of labour market divides: an across- and within- country analysis in Germany, Belgium and Italy. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 26 (2), 207-223.

Dörflinger, N., Pulignano, V. (2018). Crisis-related collective bargaining and its effects on different contractual groups of workers in German and Belgian workplaces. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 39 (1), 131-150.

Frans, D., Dörflinger, N., Pulignano, V. (2019). Occupational welfare and segmentation: explaining across (and within) sectoral variation in Germany and Belgium. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform / Journal of Social Policy Research, 65 (3), 215-242.

Dörflinger, N., Pulignano, V., Lukac, M. (2019). The social configuration of labour market divides: an across- and within- country analysis in Germany, Belgium and Italy. European Journal of Industrial Relations.

Lukac, M., Dörflinger, N., Pulignano, V. (2019). Measurement equivalence in multi-group latent class analysis: Developing a cross-national comparative framework for studying labour market segmentation. Social Indicators Research, 145 (1), 233-255.

Delespaul, S., Dörflinger N. (2019). Een verlaagde prijs als motief voor vakbondslidmaatschap voor jongeren? Inzichten uit België. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 35(1): 1-16.

Klever M., Dörflinger N., Knipprath H. (2018). "Et voila, das ist Ostbelgien". GrenzEcho.

Klever M., Dörflinger N., Knipprath H. (2018). Wie tickt Ostbelgiens Jugend? GrenzEcho.

Pulignano V., Dörflinger N. (2018). Waarom collectieve onderhandelingen zo belangrijk zijn. DeWereldMorgen und Denktank Minerva.

Håkansson K., Pulignano V., Isidorsson T., Dörflinger N. (2018). Voice and its implications for employment quality in temporary agency work in Sweden and Belgium. In: Isidorsson, T., Kubisa, J. (Eds.), Job quality in an era of flexibility. London: Routledge.

Pulignano V., Dörflinger N. (2018). Labour markets, solidarity and precarious work: comparing local unions' responses to management flexibility strategies in the German and Belgian metalworking and chemical industries. In: Doellgast V., Lillie N., Pulignano V. (Eds.), Reconstructing solidarity: Labour unions, precarious work, and the politics of institutional change in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dörflinger, N., Pulignano, V. (2018). Crisis-related collective bargaining and its effects on different contractual groups of workers in German and Belgian workplaces. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 39(1): 131-150.

Pulignano V., Tregaskis, O., Dörflinger N., Bélanger, J. (2018). The distinctiveness of employment relations within multinationals: political games and social compromises within multinationals’ subsidiaries in Germany and Belgium. Industrial Relations Journal.

Pulignano V., Dörflinger N., Frans D. (2017). Marrying Labour Flexibility And Protection. Social Europe.

Walraven J., Dörflinger N. (2017). Het jongerenvraagstuk van de vakbonden. Apache – Inhoud heerst.

Dörflinger N. (2017). Book review: Capitalist workingman’s paradises revisited. Corporate welfare work in Great Britain, the USA, Germany and France in the golden age of capitalism, 1880-1930; Erik de Gier, 2016, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, 202 pp, 79 Euro. New Technology, Work and Employment, accepted.

Dörflinger N., Frans D., Van Herreweghe D., Van Gyes G. (2017). Money talk. Comparing and discussing good criteria for disclosure of financial business information to employee representatives in Europe, 11 pp. Leuven: HIVA.

Dörflinger, N., Pulignano, V. (2017). Left outside alone? Works councils’ responses towards non-standard work in the German metal and chemical sectors. In: Pulignano V., Köhler H., Stewart P. (Eds.), Employer and employee relations in an era of change: challenges and responses from a multi-level perspective. Brussels: European Trade Union Institute.

Pulignano V., Dörflinger N. (2017). Expanding social actor-based explanations in labour market dualisation research: A combined macro-micro and micro-macro approach. Employee Relations, 40(1), 75-88.

Pulignano V., Dörflinger N., Keune M. (2017). Re-introducing the company in the analysis of labour market dualisation: variety of patterns and diversity of outcomes between standard and non-standard workers in multinational subsidiaries in Belgium, Germany and Britain. Economic and Industrial Democracy.

Håkansson K., Pulignano V., Isidorsson T., Dörflinger N. (2017). Explaining job insecurity for temporary agency workers: A comparison between Sweden and Belgium. Economic and Industrial Democracy.

Rolfer, B., Pulignano, V., Dörflinger, N. (2016). Satsning på ungdomar bär frukt. Arbetet.

Dörflinger, N. (2016). Different worlds of work? A study on labour market regulatory institutions and contingent work in Belgium and Germany. PhD thesis.

Pulignano, V., Dörflinger, N., De Franceschi, F. (2016). Flexibility and security within European labor markets: the role of local bargaining and the different ‘trade-offs’ within multinationals' subsidiaries in Belgium, Britain and Germany. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 69(3), 605-630.

Kerckhofs, P., Pulignano, V., Dörflinger, N., Telljohan, V., Baglioni, M., Fulton, L., da Costa, I., Neumann, L., Kelemen, M., Voss, E. (2015). European Works Council developments before, during and after the crisis, 88 pp. Dublin: Eurofound.

Dörflinger, N., Pulignano, V. (2015). Outsourcing and collective bargaining in the recent crisis: implications for MNC workplaces in Europe. In: Drahokoupil J. (Eds.), The outsourcing challenge. Organizing workers in fragmented production networks., Chapt. Brussels: European Trade Union Institute, 255-275.

Pulignano, V., Dörflinger, N. (2015). Management perceptions of social dialogue at the company level in Belgium. In: Euwema M., Munduate L., Elgoibar P., Pender E., Belen Garcia A. (Eds.), Promoting social dialogue in European organizations Springer, 19-38.

Pulignano, V., Dörflinger, N. (2015). Sociale bescherming in onzekere tijden. In: Vermeersch W. (Eds.), Help, de robots komen (Jaarboek Sampol 2015) Stichting Gerrit Kreveld, 46-49.

Pulignano, V., Meardi, G., Dörflinger, N. (2015). Trade unions and labour market dualisation: A comparison of policies and attitudes towards agency and migrant workers in Germany and Belgium. Work, Employment & Society, 29(5), 808-825.

Dörflinger, N., Pulignano, V. (2015). Temporary agency work and trade unions in comparative perspective. A mixed blessing? Journal of Workplace Rights, 5(2), 1-10.

Pulignano, V., Dörflinger, N. (2015). Wie heeft wie nodig? Vakbonden en jongeren in België. Over.Werk. Tijdschrift van het Steunpunt WSE, 25 (3), 52-59.

Pulignano, V., Dörflinger, N. (2015). Sociale bescherming in onzekere tijden. De arbeid van de toekomst. Samenleving en Politiek, April 2015, 46-49.

Hautekiet, J., Pulignano, V., Vrijens, T., Dörflinger, N. (2014). Waarom worden jongeren geen lid meer van de vakbond?

Temmermann, M., Pulignano, V., Dörflinger, N. (2014). Vakbonden worden steeds grijzer. Het Nieuwsblad, 22.

Pulignano, V., Dörflinger, N. (2014). Vakbonden kampen met imagoprobleem bij jongeren. De Morgen.

Pulignano, V., Dörflinger, N. (2014). Plug-In 1 December: Wat er staat te veranderen voor de jongeren. Radio Quindo.

Dekocker, V., Dörflinger, N. (2014). Leiden of lijden de werkcheques naar werk.

Henneman, J., Zuallaert, J., Pulignano, V., Dörflinger, N. (2014). De vakbond vergrijst. Knack (26 nov), 37.

Pulignano, V., Dörflinger, N. (2014). Belgian trade unions and the youth: Initiatives and challenges. Working paper Centre for Sociological Research (CeSO). Comparative Industrial Relations in Europe, CeSO/CAAE, nr. 2014-1, 45 pp. Leuven: Centre for Sociological Research.

Pulignano, V., Dekocker, V., Léonard, E. (as contributor) Van den Broeck, M. (as contributor) Dörflinger, N. (as contributor) (2014). Employment practices in multinationals in Belgium. Leuven: Acco.

Pulignano, V., van Daele, S., Dörflinger, N., Maenen, S. (2013). Veranderen arbeidsvoorwaarden en systemen van industriële relaties? België in comparatief Europees perspectief. Working paper Centre for Sociological Research (CeSO). Comparative Industrial Relations in Europe, CeSO/CAAE, nr. 2013-1, 36 pp. Leuven: Centrum voor Sociologisch Onderzoek.

Pulignano, V., Dörflinger, N. (2013). A head with two tales: trade unions' influence on temporary agency work in Belgian and German workplaces. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24 (22), 4149-4165.

Pulignano, V., Maenen, S., Dörflinger, N., van Daele, S. (2013). Naar een betere kwaliteit van de arbeid dankzij het sociaal overleg? België in comparatief Europees perspectief. Over.Werk. Tijdschrift van het Steunpunt WSE, 23 (4), 147-155.
